Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Hurm..people said that age is only the matter of number..n the number will only stop when u died..huuu..actually i dun really care bout the number..or in other words i hate numbers..it seem that 'we' r not belong together..hahaha

today i had an appointment with a dentist..n unfortunately she makes me realizes how old i am..haha..maybe too old to bring both of your parents to accompanied u to see a dentist.lol

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Oh..this is not about ice cream guys.. it's about the crazy monkeys that attacked my kitchen..stole a packet of curry powder..n happily left the kitchen in a mess..

huh..i wish i can banish them ol..muahaha..*evil me*

Friday, November 26, 2010

Irdina Safiyya

Anak buah aku yg first nur irdina safiyya yg comel..

Dier ske minom susu n tdo...dina cpt2 jln ye..t kt leh men keja2..huhu

Smuge membesa ngan sehat n bijaksana k..alolo...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Aku dan Exam

Ble ak da stat korek tong sampah untk bg mkn kat kucing..or ak prefer ckp ngan kucing drpd ckp ngan manusia..mungkinkah sbb ak syg kat kucing..atau ak semakin gila..haha...stress final makin terasa*bahang*

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Korg penah dgr x dongeng psl gunung ledang..kat cne ade puteri yg duk mintak hantaran ati nyamuk tue kn..bersama dier adela nenek kebayan penjaga istana..huhu..nk d jadikn cerita...mgu lepas ak pegi la mendaki gunung ledang yg tingginye 1000++m..mmg adventure nk smp puncak yg ade 8 check point kesemuanye...mmg sesuai sgt ngan kelab yg anjurkn expedition nie.."adventure club"..hehe...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Gulai Lemak Cili Api


santan kotak je
cili padi(byk2 bia pedas)
asam keping(1 je da cukup)
kunyit(sebagai pewarna)
garam(secukup rse)


1.blender o tumbuk cili padi n kunyit
2.pastu masukkn dlm santan dan kacau2 jgn smp pecah minyak ye
3.masukkn ikan dan garam pastu biakn mendidih
4.msuk kn serai yg telah dititik
5.agak2 da msk..maka siaplah gulai lemak cili padi

p/s:slmt mencube..ak wat xjadi pon..mengape?haha =P

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Living in Busan

Im boring
when i stat mumbling pointlessly

when i have lots of things to be done
n i dont do it

when i look straight to the wall
without feeling

boring so boring..*short circuit state of mind*