Saturday, February 2, 2013

Helo Life!!!

So long since my last post..no more student life..exams..books..assignments..all the things that i thought so hard and so lazy to do..no need to face it anymore..many things had happen..sometimes things that i never imagine before..

whatever it is i am glad that i had finish my study last year..and now i have to face the real life..working life is never be easier..hoho..hurm..whatever it is..life must go on..and here just wanna share a place that i went last month..since right now i am working in JB..say helo to JB..hope to leave you very soon..lol =P

Saturday, October 22, 2011

engineering industrial training

Today I went back to my hometown..yet still thinking bout my unfinished final year project..apart from that, my heart 'ask' me to go back since it has been quite a while and i miss my home especially my cute lil niece..^^

OK..back to the original story..haha..actually i wanna share my experiences during my EIT at department of environment(DOE)..

i think EIT is more enjoyable compared to study becoz i dont have to crack my head so much...and i can go to many different places instead of sitting in class listening to lectures..hoho...*lazy mind*so here are few pictures taken during my training^^

-boiler where they boil everything..hehe-

-cyclone where the x-men found their team member.lol-

-crumb rubber..to make tyres..or maybe chewing gum..erk~-

-water sampling..this river already polluted by sand and silts..even fish cant swim here-

-gold mining site...i just saw rocks..haha-

At the end of my training, i have to present the report for all of my site visits and activities...im very thankful to have this opportunity...and for those who havent gone for EIT yet, you may considered DOE as one of your choice since they also giving cash for trainee^^

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Terlalu Rational Untuk Cinta

Jiwang?bukan senang nak jadi jiwang nie..bukan sume org ade kemahiran mengarang surat berjela jela panjang..reka puisi berserta pantun dua kerat...

Bukan senang nak buat surat cinta..supaya org yg bce tue jatuh cinta..kalau nasib tak baik...surat tue akan menjadi kertas kitar semula sebagai menyahut kempen sayangi bumi hijau..

Bukan semua org boleh tolerate kalau tbe2 ayat msg bertukar menjadi pelat cam bdk baru tumbuh gigi..korang nk contoh?haaa..mcm..'camat mlm'..'cayang da mkn?'..'campai ati awk'...hahaha..n whatsoever~

Bagi aku..cinta xperlu berlebih lebih dgn kata2..yg lebih kpd nk menunjuk2..sebab pe aku ckp cmtu..sebabnye sume ayat2 jiwang tue majoriti nye tertempek kat sosial network...nak tak nak..org lain akan bce..n yang tak pandai cerna ayat jiwang cam aku nie akan kata..pe kejadahnye sume ini..hahaha

Jadi..bercintalah dgn rational..ingatlah..yang kita berkongsi dunia yang berbeza..XOXO

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Sesungguhnye cuti ini amat bosan /blur mcm biasa la...asl cuti je aku tulis blog..asl tulis blog je mesti time cuti..

Cuti kali nie mmg lme..2 bln..so, disebabkan kebosanan yg melampau..sehingga xdpt ditoleransi lg..aku dpt ilmu membuat kek dari member2 praktikal aku dlu...nnt ble2 senang br ak cte pasal tmpt ak intership..

Skrg nk tunjuk dlu resepi yang terhasil pabila aku bosan tahap moksyaaa...ahaks! /XD

sponge cake

Next..aku try wat kek nie plk..siap ade lurve2 lg tue..ish2 /blush

chiffon cake

Seterusnya kalau cuti ini terus dibelenggu kebosanan..kemungkinan besar..kek lain pula yg akan muncul..bkn nk mkn sgt..saje2 xde keje..sekian.T__T

Monday, January 31, 2011

Marilah Pulang Edisi CNY

Cuti raye cina..adela dlm semgu..pas azab menempuh midterm exam..da study tp xleh jwb gak...cmne?usaha xcukop kuat..xpn ak telebih mkn semot..haish..

Cam bse..ak blk umah nek bas je..naik kat pekeliling..tp paling ak xske..kne nek LRT sampai masjid jamek...pastu tukar STAR plk smp stesen titiwangsa..ataupn dikenali juge sebagai pekeliling..

Penat kot duk pikul beg yg berisi pe ntah ak pon kurang pasti..dgn laptop skali..itu sesuatu yg wajib..ibarat nadi idopku..xde laptop ngan tenet ibarat bumi berenti berputar..perh..hiperbola..haha..

Saturday, January 22, 2011

comel x?*wink*

Jln2 g times..on the way blk terjmpe bju nie..so bli kn irdina tomei2 bju baru..ske x?2x*tnye kat irdina..kekeke*

Friday, January 14, 2011

Broga Hill

Kemarok nk gi cni..tbe2 ble nk gi ade kes plk..xjadik..tp nk pegi..tapi xleh..ah..xyah bertapi lg..lupekn jela niat murni aku tue...one of my new year list...out..out..